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Pathology International Content Alert: 63, 6 (June 2013)
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郵便振替口座:00130-4-32817 社団法人 日本病理学会
Pathology International
c Japanese Society of Pathology
Volume 63, Issue 6 Pages 287 – 338, June 2013
The latest issue of Pathology International is available on Wiley Online Library
Review Article
Bi-directional roles of bone morphogenetic proteins in cancer: Another molecular Jekyll and Hyde?(pages 287 296)
Shogo Ehata, Yuichiro Yokoyama, Kei Takahashi and Kohei Miyazono
Article first published online: 20 JUN 2013 | DOI: 10.1111/pin.12067
Original Articles
Histopathologcial and clonal study of combined lobular and ductal carcinoma of the breast (pages 297 304)
Eri Tazaki, Yukiko Shishido-Hara, Natsuko Mizutani, Sachiyo Nomura, Hirotsugu Isaka, Hiroki Ito, Kentaro Imi, Shigeru Imoto and Hiroshi Kamma
Article first published online: 20 JUN 2013 | DOI: 10.1111/pin.12065
Quantification of collagen and elastic fibers using whole-slide images of liver biopsy specimens(pages 305 310)
Tokiya Abe, Akinori Hashiguchi, Ken Yamazaki, Hirotoshi Ebinuma, Hidetsugu Saito, Hiromitsu Kumada, Namiki Izumi, Naohiko Masaki and Michiie Sakamoto
Article first published online: 20 JUN 2013 | DOI: 10.1111/pin.12064
Correlation analysis of nuclear morphology, cytokeratin and Ki-67 expression of urothelial carcinoma cells (pages 311 317)
Masayo Shuto, Kenji Warigaya, Hiroshi Watanabe, Michio Shimizu, Toshio Fukuda and Shin-ichi Murata
Article first published online: 20 JUN 2013 | DOI: 10.1111/pin.12066
Gastric adenocarcinoma of the fundic gland type shares common genetic and phenotypic features with pyloric gland adenoma (pages 318 325)
Ryoji Kushima, Shigeki Sekine, Akiko Matsubara, Hirokazu Taniguchi, Masahiro Ikegami and Hitoshi Tsuda
Article first published online: 20 JUN 2013 | DOI: 10.1111/pin.12070
Case Report
Cytogenomics and gene expression in a case of metachronous bilateral renal cell carcinomas with drop metastasis: Resolving a diagnostic dilemma with molecular technologies (pages 326 332)
Hidehiro Takei, Roberto Barrios and Federico A. Monzon
Article first published online: 20 JUN 2013 | DOI: 10.1111/pin.12068
Letters to the Editor
Disseminated calcifying tumor of the pleura (pages 333 335)
Mitsuaki Ishida and Hidetoshi Okabe
Article first published online: 20 JUN 2013 | DOI: 10.1111/pin.12062
Xp11.2 translocation renal cell carcinoma associated with non-neoplastic osteoclast-like giant cells(pages 336 338)
Sungwook Suh, Chan-Kwon Jung, Young-Sub Lee, Eun-Sun Jung and Yeong-Jin Choi
Article first published online: 20 JUN 2013 | DOI: 10.1111/pin.12069